Home Weekend DIY WEEKEND D.I.Y. or Opt to Buy!

WEEKEND D.I.Y. or Opt to Buy!


It’s spring and time to bring in some new exciting interior décor to your home. at At HOME Victoria we love the idea of D.I.Y.’s (check out the Weekend D.I.Y. feature within our published magazine – first issue highlights how to make an upholstered or padded fabric headboard which can instantly update and modernize your space). There is no limit to the imagination – if you dream of creating a certain décor attribute to your home, let’s make it! Well, if making it seems a little to far-fetch we’ve also found places you can buy the items as well.

il_570xN.661474039_a4doCouch Arm Wrap from Etsy.com or D.I.Y. here

Okay, so this D.I.Y. might come as a challenge to some, but if you have a handy man in the family it won’t take anytime at all! Pick your preferred wood stain to accent other décor in your living space and then place on the arm rest of your most use space on a couch or chair. These arm wraps are perfect for relaxing at night – offering a place to place a glass of wine or your phone. They are also a great idea for entertaining as finding places to put glasses and cups down may be a challenge with many people sitting around.

Fun Cardboard Clocks from Etsy

il_570xN.599679415_fyhgThese handmade cardboard clocks are a great way to re-use materials from around your home. Try painting the cardboard withspring colours or prints that would suit your living space. Want a challenge? Try this easy step-by-step guide to make your own clock right at home!

Mason Jar Holders

tumblr_mtk2e7I9k51rrb3nno1_500These jars make great holders for bathroom supplies or holding kitchen utensils. Try either hanging them in the bathroom next to the sink or paint them in fun patterns and use them for other needs around the house. We love this store on Etsy.ca